Friday, September 13, 2013

Easy dinner

So as moms we always need easy dinners. 
This is more of a technique than a recipe. 

When I go to the grocery store I buy at least 5lbs if hamburger sometimes if its a good sale I will get 10 lbs. 

Then the first chance I get I cook it all!!! Sometimes making hamburgers out of 1 or 2 lbs and freeze them uncooked or save them for that night dinner. But all the rest I cook. 
Here is 4 lbs cooking I always use 2 pans and sometimes if I have 10 lbs I will do it in 2 pans in 2 batches so I know it cooks even. 

I use my handy pampered chef mix and chop to make this east! 

After its cooked I put it in freezer safe Tupperware and freeze it in 1 lb page ages. 

This was only 2 lbs the other two were still cooking. My lovely stove doesn't cook even!! 

Now on a bad night I will pull one out defrost it on low in the microwave or in fridge if I know in advance and its ready for dinner. 

I will use this for tacos, spaghetti, we make a mystery stew which is simply hamburger Mac and cheese with tomatoes, or anything else I need hamburger for!

Makes dinner super simple for those days when I need it and we aren't eating out. 

Saves time and for us money. If I went to the store for just hamburger I would leave with a lot more. So having it cooked and ready for the next several weeks is amazing!!

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